Monday, August 24, 2015


Title: EX-CON
Author: Scott Hildreth
Release Date: August 17th, 2015
Series: Selected Sinners MC, Book 5
Cover Model: Darren Birks


People break promises. It happens every day.
Jack Shephard is tall, muscular, covered in tattoos, and rides in an Outlaw Motorcycle Club. Most people wouldn’t believe a word he said based on his appearance alone.
But they don’t know Jack like I know Jack, and Jack made me a promise.
There’s one small problem. Jack’s been arrested on a murder charge he didn’t commit, and he’s facing life in prison.
But he promised me he’d always come home.
And Jack doesn’t break promises.

EX-CON is a stand-alone, no cheating, no sex outside the relationship, HEA story of love, loss, second chances, and living life outside of the boundaries most citizens live in. It is Book V in the Selected Sinners series of MC Erotic Romance novels, and is able to be enjoyed fully as a stand-alone. To experience the series in full, Making the Cut, Taking the Heat, Otis, HUNG, and EX-CON may, however, all be read (in that order).

5 out of 5 Stars!
A love story like none other, but with all the finesse of an epic tale. Jack and Em's love goes beyond convention to the realms of a pure and simple soul connection women dream about. Despite the bumps in the road, their journey was breathtaking and beautiful. Promises are meant to be kept and respect is earned when given. I can't say enough about how utterly epic and enjoyable this story was.

You get all your favorites from the Sinners series along with the "UN" group, and you're gonna laugh, cry, and applaud throughout. From start to finish I couldn't put it down. A must read love story. #oneclick #thedevillooksafterhisown #selectedsinnerforlife

A Personal Note from Scott About Himself and His Personal Journey with this Book

I began riding with my first MC after 20 years of riding alone. Although I didn’t know it at the time, immediately following my introduction to the club, I became the target of an ATF investigation.

The investigation ended when a helicopter, over 30 ATF agents, US Marshalls, and countless other SWAT Team members converged on me one day.

I was indicted on more than two dozen criminal counts, and given the option to plead guilty to one and receive a light sentence (probation). If I fought them, they explained, I would face life in prison.

Well, I’ve never been one to give up easy, so I chose to fight.

And I fought all the way to the US Supreme Court.

The fact I lost my case didn’t really matter to me. Fighting was more important. Standing up when most citizens would sit down had always been my nature.

My time in prison wasn’t easy, but I made it the best I was able. The days drug on forever, at least initially. In time, my mind made sense of it all, and digested it as being a new way of life; my only choice, so to speak.

In EX-CON, Jack’s thoughts, feelings, decisions, and actions were mine. What he felt, thought, and went through in the book is accurate down to the smallest of details.

My experiences in life cause my books to have more ‘feel’ than a conventionally written novel. EX-CON is no exception. It’s gritty, real, and raw as are most of my novels. But one thing it has that no other Scott Hildreth novel shares.

300 pages of compassion.

Enjoy knowing a little more about me. And enjoy EX-CON, which is a reflection of part of my life.


Born in San Diego California, Scott now calls Wichita, Kansas home. Residing in Kansas with his wife, Jessica, and five children (and another on the way in November 2015), he somehow finds twelve hours a day to work on his writing. 

Addicted to riding his Harley-Davidson, tattoos, and drinking coffee, Scott can generally be found in a tattoo shop, on his Harley, or in a local coffee house when not writing. 

Loyal to the fans, fan girls, and faithful followers who allowed him to make writing a full-time career, Scott communicates with his followers on Facebook almost daily. He encourages his readers to follow him on Facebook and Twitter. 

Twitter: @ScottDHildreth 

Face book “OFFICIAL LIKE” page - (for updates on released books and upcoming books) 

Facebook Author Page - (currently at 5,000 friend limit, but Scott invites you to come enjoy his contests, giveaways, and playful book banter)

Goodreads Author Page -

Blog Tour - Fire Me Up - The Deacons of Bourbon Street # 2 by Rachael Johns

Tour Host : Tasty Book Tours
Fire Me Up
The Deacons of Bourbon Street # 2
By: Rachael Johns  
Releasing September 1, 2015

Can a scorching affair with a bohemian beauty tame a motorcycle man with a dark side? Rachael Johns takes the wheel in the sexy series co-written with Megan Crane, Jackie Ashenden, and Maisey Yates.

Travis “Cash” Sinclair values only two things from his days with the Deacons of Bourbon Street: his prized Harley Davidson and the man who gave it to him. But now Priest Lombard is gone, and Cash has inherited the Deacons’ clubhouse—not to mentions its unexpected tenant. She’s exactly the type of woman he tries to avoid: all incense and art, with a sharp tongue that promises trouble. So why does Cash want to push aside those flowing skirts and lose himself between her legs?

Billie Taylor fled a bad marriage to start a new life among the grit and glamour of the French Quarter. She refuses to let another man distract her from her dreams, especially an outlaw biker with nothing to offer except hot sex and an eviction notice. Cash is dangerous, with an untamed streak he tries desperately to conceal. He drives Billie wild, sending her too close to the edge for her own good. And she won’t fall under his spell—or into his bed—without a fight

 Amazon | B & N | iTunes | Kobo

***** 5 out of 5 Stars *****

Really liked this book a lot...from the moment you get introduced to Cash aka Travis and Billie, there is nothing but FIRE!! From the intensity of their initial meeting, you just know that this book will set your soul on fire! From their chemistry with one another and pushing button neither wants to have pushed, you can't help but swoon at the simmering heat until it explodes into an inferno of passions. Emotions are not lacking in any means, between anger, fear, loss, pain, frustration, empathy, lust and just plain joy; this book will take you on a whirlwind of emotions and leave you with your panties wet!!

Would like to read book one at some point to get the beginning of this story, but this book was fabulous as a stand-alone! Look forward to reading more from this author in the future!

Rachael Johns is an English teacher by trade, a mum 24/7, a supermarket owner, a chronic arachnophobic, and a writer the rest of the time. She rarely sleeps and never irons. She writes contemporary romance for HQN and Carina Press and lives in rural Western Australia with her hyperactive husband and three mostly-gorgeous heroes-in-training. Rachael loves to hear from readers and can be contacted through her website at
Author Links: Website | Facebook | Twitter | GoodReads
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“This room is mine,” she said, folding her arms and glaring at him with more bravado than she felt as he turned to look at her with his dark, smoldering eyes. She shivered despite herself and almost forgot to add, “If you insist on staying, you’ll have to choose from one of the others.”
He took his time replying, his gaze sliding downward, scalding her body as if he’d actually touched her. For a moment she thought he was going to object—tell her that not only would he share her house but also her bed—but eventually he shut her wardrobe and nodded. “I always preferred the one next to this anyway.”
She swallowed. Of all the rooms in the house, he wanted to choose the one right next to hers? How would she sleep knowing he was mere yards away? Still, she was hardly in a position to argue, and if it would get him out of her personal space, well, that was a start.
“Fine.” She stepped back and gestured for him to leave. The only good thing about having Travis right next door was that she could keep an eye on him. Or was that a bad thing? Argh.
Surprisingly, he obeyed, stalking past her and smirking again as he did. She hated that she caught a waft of some raw, masculine cologne, which sent ripples of need through her body, rousing places she’d given little thought to over the last year. How ironic that the first sign of life down there had sparked because of a man who seemed intent on messing up her life. Why were the sexiest guys, the best-looking ones, always the biggest jerks?
He didn’t head straight for his room, instead going into the kitchen, and she found herself following. Her hackles rose as he opened the refrigerator and leaned inside, giving her a perfect view of his perfect butt. Oh help me, God! Had any guy she’d ever known looked so damn fine in faded jeans? Her thighs involuntarily clenched.
“No beer,” he said as he straightened.
Despite the traitorous hormones rushing through her body, she shook her head. It went against the grain of every single cell in her body not to be hospitable, but then again she hadn’t invited him to stay here with her. “Nope. Sorry. But there’s a bar next door.”
She wished he’d go back to it. He had to be one of the Deacons that had been hanging around The Priory the last few days. Sophie had given her a brief history of the motorcycle club—apparently it had disbanded around the time of Katrina—and informed her that it would be unlikely any of its members would hang around after her father’s funeral. But, dammit, it looked like she’d been wrong on that account. Billie needed to go see Sophie, make sure this guy was for real. For all she knew he could be anybody. He hadn’t shown her any proof that he owned the building, but something—maybe the way he’d leaned into her face when he told her no one tells him what the fuck to do—made her cautious. He was like a wild animal, and she didn’t want to make any sudden moves.
He smiled wickedly and leaned back against the counter, looking her over again, making her feel aroused and insulted all at once. “I know it. The bar and this place used to be my home.”
“Is that right?” She wondered about Travis Sinclair. He had the leather jacket, the swagger in his step and the don’t-mess-with-me attitude of a biker, but there was something about him that didn’t fit the image. He wore no patches like a couple of other guys she’d seen hanging around next door, but that wasn’t it. There was something else she couldn’t quite put her finger on. “And where is your home now?”
She waited for him to tell her it was none of her fucking business, but he shrugged off his jacket, hung it over one of the odd chairs that sat around her kitchen table and then pulled back the seat and straddled it. “Tallahassee,” he said as he leaned down and yanked a laptop out of his pack. It was a flashy MacBook Air—not at all the type of computer she’d expect of a biker. He didn’t even glance her way as he put it on the table in front of him, lifted the lid and tapped his boots against the tiled floor as he waited for the computer to spring to life.
No idea where Tallahassee was—geography had never been her thing—she vowed to google it later. Leaning back against the kitchen counter, she wiped her palm across her brow, feeling hot and more than a little bothered. Being warm in itself wasn’t unusual in New Orleans or in Western Australia where she came from, but the weather had nothing to do with the rise in her body temperature. And that disturbed her.
Her eyes zoned in on the bad-boy ink that traveled the length of his sculpted and tanned forearms, and the heat that had been simmering inside her boiled over.
Until this moment she’d have said she wasn’t a fan of body art—personally, she preferred her art on walls or in gardens—but Travis’s tattoos changed her opinion. And that was bad, because with her divorce only recently official, the last thing she wanted in her life was another man who thought he could walk all over her.
@Tastybooktours and @RachaelJohns  

Saturday, August 22, 2015

BLOG TOUR - Beg For Mercy ~A Dark Conclusion by Lucian Bane
Title: Beg For Mercy ~A Dark Conclusion
Author: Lucian Bane
Release Date: August 18, 2015
Genre: Dark Erotica, Erotic Thriller
BFM Cover
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The fight is on in this installment, Mercy is holding nothing back in her endeavor to prove to Sade he can experience love and pleasure. Sade, however has other plans and his darkness is front and center in them.
Meanwhile, Father Abraham is still on the loose with a score to settle with them all and no one is safe from his wrath.
Will love conquer all in this story? Can the heart really be used to recondition the brain? Find out what happens in this Dark Conclusion.
**Mature audiences only**

Heat throbbed in his muscles as he made his way to the house. “Yeah, you’re excused,” Kane muttered behind him, low laughter in his voice.
With every step toward Mercy, his body tensed with wild urges. Flashes of her naked body accompanied his search on the lower floor. A sheen of sweat covered him as he took the stairs slowly, quietly, two at a time. Terror set his pulse at a furious thunder as the animal inside got ready to play. But there was something unfamiliar about it. The thing inside wanted to hunt. Wanted to terrify. It wanted to trap and capture. Sade’s breath became ragged with the urges burning him.
He fought the devils in his mind with every step he took. But he could feel the new depth he crept around in. The new layer of sick just below the old one. Fuck. Where it came from, what and why, wasn’t important in that second. It was what would it ask of him? Demand of him?
Reaching the landing of the second floor, the answer to that question sang with a deadly hum in his blood. It sang irrelevant. It’s alllllll irrelevant, Sade. Because there was no turning back now. His body moved stealthily, right through the turmoil in his muscles as he fought to negotiate and beg for a safe balance.
He slowly opened her bedroom door and peeked in. God, fuck. She was naked. Face down on the bed, inciting a riot in his already unstable body. Unmoving, he waited for his body to clue him in on its intentions. He carefully closed the door and locked it then made his way to her bed, stifling the hungry grunt that fought to escape at seeing her naked like that. Felt like forever that he’d let himself look at her. And now, that brutal denial was kicking his ass, making him work for his oxygen.
He approached from the left side of the bed and let his eyes get their hungry fill. Slowly. She was splayed out, arms extended at both sides, one leg partially off the bed like she’d nearly missed when collapsing onto it. Why had she gotten naked? Jealousy made his cock ache and he slowly removed his t-shirt, wanting to savor every second of what he was doing. All night. At least he hoped whatever had a hold insisted he go all night. He was past the point of caring about how far he might go and what he might do, he just cared that he was doing it. Finally. Finally he’d have his Mercy, he’d have the fuck out of her. And the rest… well, he’d deal with that devil when he reached that fiery crossroad.
Sade removed his pants next, his eyes on her succulent ass. At that moment, his cock jerked with an undeniable need and hunger. To be buried in that tight heat. He let his groan go, not caring about silence.
He walked slowly to the other side of the bed, waiting for his body to tell him what he’d do first. His heart hammered as desires for too many things scrambled for his selection. He wanted everything. He wanted it slow and fast, soft and so very fucking hard.
He paused next to the bed. What if she didn’t cooperate?
The thought brought a slow burning in his muscles, telling him how he’d handle that. He’d have it. That’s all he knew, that’s all he allowed himself to know. And if it triggered other things… he’d deal with it. Either way, he was going to explore what crawled through his blood.

“So very fucking good,” he whispered, opening his mouth wide and sucking on her inner thigh with a deep groan, pulling with the same intensity that he stroked her core with.
“Please, don’t stop, don’t’ stop!” She bowed off the bed and he pulled his fingers out and shoved them in his mouth. “Fucking pussy,” he moaned eating her off him with lusty grunts. “Fuck, I’m going to make you scream,” he gasped, grabbing her hips roughly and yanking that hot silk onto his open mouth.
“Oh Jesus,” she strained, shuddering.
Holding her ass in a brutal grip he sucked and nibbled all over, growling with her every shudder and tremble in his hands and under his mouth. He delivered chaotic flicks of his tongue on the tip of her clit until his name was a constant plea, and she was right at orgasm.
He pulled away, his breaths quaking as he thrust his cock onto the bed, ready to fucking come, but even more ready to deny himself. But not her, though. Mercy needed to take whatever he wanted to give her.
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Mercy had gone from drunk to nearly sober in five minutes. God, she needed him. And it was as barbaric as it was pathetic. And yet it wasn’t just for her that she needed, it was for him. Seven days she’d been feeling his need and pain. She knew he was dealing with some dark issues. She wanted to help him process because she remembered things. A lot of things. She remembered the techniques her dad taught for overcoming her own abuse. And she wanted to show him how, but he never gave her one opening, not one. And a week of that hell turned her into somebody she’d never remembered being. Angry. Livid. Because she felt so useless and fucking helpless.
And now, a half-starved man lay between her half-starved legs and all she could think was don’t stop. Her body had its own needs that had nothing to do with therapy. Fuck Sade. That was all the therapy she could think of, that was the only therapy there was, only therapy they really needed, she was sure.
But it was his hunger that served as a very thin tether to her common sense. The fact that his needs were overwhelming, reminded her of what lurked inside. She could hear it in his voice, feel it in his body. He was on the verge of snapping and she didn’t know what might break free and take control of him. And God help them both, she couldn’t forget what was at the end of his rope—his demons. His insatiable, cruel demons. They wanted pain and suffering—for their host and anyone they could reach through him. Her in this case. All she had to remember in the throes of ecstasy was to not become his demon’s chew toy. He’d hate himself, and eventually resent her for allowing him. Not to mention, that darkness inside would gain more hold of him. There was no bottom to the stomach of that monster, you were only hungry, never satisfied. Always eating, never getting full, taking what you think you needed, only to find that your appetite had grown. Again.
But in that second, he was bent on her pleasure. God, was he ever bent on her pleasure. It took everything she had not to let go of the bed and latch her fingers in his hair and grind his face onto her clit until she had that explosion he dangled just out of her reach.
He thrust his tongue in her again and she bucked her hips, bringing her clit in perfect contact with his nose. So close. “Don’t stop, please Sade.”
She wanted to scream and demand it, but he wanted her begging. She’d give him that much for now, because she’d damn well have her turn with him. He needed to learn how to suffer properly. At the command of her hands, her lips and tongue. And she couldn’t wait to force the issue.
Holy freaking hell! Seriously?? OK, yes I devoured this book...waiting and wanting and BEGGING for it to go live, I was NOT disappointed!! Lucian Bane has a way of sucking you into this world and loosing your sense of reality while your engrossed in the pain and pleasure of this series.

Mercy and Sade are an explosive couple and utterly compliment and push each other like no other characters I have EVER read. I was enthralled and entranced into their therapy and love and devastatingly beautiful relationship. Their love is one that shows no matter what demons you face there are worse things out there and they lurk right around the corners. With help of family and friends this story is EPIC!! I can't even express to you the depths of emotions that pour off the pages and had me gasping with tears running down my cheeks trying to finish some scenes. And yes some moments on wanting to smack the bajesus out of Sade and Mercy alike. LOL But I loved it all, all the thought, love, pain, and utter joy of it.

I can't recommend this series and this author enough. EVERY time I pick up a book I know I am going to get a good story and FEEL something. And this didn't have anything lacking! Perfect compliment to the series and can't wait to see what comes next! #oneclick #begforit #Mercy
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Mercy Cover
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Lucian Bane (Mercy)

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Re-Release of Unsettled by Alisa Mullen

Re-Release Blitz
Title: Unsettled
Author: Alisa Mullen
Re-Release Date: August 20th


Lizzie O'Malley, a twenty three year old free spirited young woman, is on the run to find her purpose in life. In the summer of 2000, she returns home to Boston, Massachusetts to begin a life that she can be proud of. On her first night out on the town with a friend, tragedy strikes and she finds herself the cause of emotional wreckage. Instead of dealing, she concentrates on the man she met that first night.

Teagan Gallagher, a twenty two year old college student from Ireland, spends the summer of 2000 in Boston, Massachusetts, working towards his degree and partying his way through the city. One night he finds a beautiful American girl that he is desperate to spend the summer with.

Together, Teagan and Lizzie learn the ins and outs of an unconventional relationship. It isn't until their relationship is in so deep that it becomes impossible for one or the other to run away.


Author Bio:
Alisa Mullen is the author of the Best Selling Saga, The Chosen Series and the Best Selling psychological suspense novel, Plastic Confidence. She is also the author of Following the Sun,77 Steps, One Missing Link,The Business Trip, and many other short stories and novellas. She sometimes goes by kaycee veil.

Growing up in Down East Maine, Mullen received a BA from Texas A&M University and a MS from Our Lady of Lake University in San Antonio, Texas. When she isn't writing, she enjoys reading, making necklaces, and spending time with her family.

Mullen lives in South Texas with her loving husband and their two children.

Twitter: @alimullenbooks
Instagram: alisamullen2015
Pinterest: Alisa Mullen


3 signed copies of Unsettled, 3 swag packs

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BLOG TOUR: Reckless Surrender Series: Made For Love #2 by Author R.C. Martin


Title: Reckless Surrender Series: Made For Love #2

Author: R.C. Martin

Genre: New Adult Romance

Cover Design: Louisa at LM Creations

Release Date: August 4, 2015



Three and a half years ago, Daphne walked into my shop, kicked open the door to my soul, invited herself inside, and got comfortable. By the time I realized she’d made herself at home, it was too late to kick her out. Now, I’m in love with her. But I’m not her boyfriend. She’s not my lover. We’re just friends…
Trevor’s it for me. I love him so much it drives me crazy. But we’re broken—two battered people whose souls have been ravaged by the world. We decided a long time ago that we wanted to love each other but not attempt to fix one another. Instead, we give each other as much as we can. I’m beginning to wonder if that’s ever going to be enough…
I don’t want to be her bandaid.
I don’t want to be his addiction.
But if we never cross that line, will I lose her?
If I don’t tell him what I want, will I lose myself?



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I sigh wistfully as I stare out the window of his big, black, Ford F-150. Not that there’s much to see, as everything is shrouded in darkness, but it relaxes me nevertheless. As I peer out at the shadows of trees, I playback the evening we’ve just had. It was a beautiful day for a wedding. I don’t usually care for such occasions, but this one I wouldn’t have missed for anything in the world. Avery was the perfect bride and her groom was a fine accessory.
I can’t remember the last time I went to a wedding. I know I’m at that age where a lot of my peers are choosing to say I do, but I run in a pretty small crowd. I’ve been lucky enough to avoid the monotony of marriage ceremonies. It’s not that I have anything against marriage—or even weddings—I was just never that girl who dreamed of my wedding dress before I got around to losing my first tooth. I’m not holding out for Prince Charming and I don’t fantasize about what I’d like my future engagement ring to look like. Of course, I won’t judge a girl for dreaming of those things, so long as she doesn’t judge me for not dreaming of them.
Some days I think I’d like to get married; though, I’m not sure if that’s a desire that was instilled in me as I grew up under my parents tutelage or if it’s something my heart truly longs for. I have my days when I think I’d be alright if I never got married—so long as the man I loved was still around to keep me company.
Or maybe that’s just me fooling myself into believing something that seems safer than the alternative—safer than the risk that if we were ever anything more, we might break. We’re already fragmented souls and the two of us together might never be able to make a whole.
Pushing such thoughts aside, I smile as my head fills with images of Trevor and myself out on the dance floor. He’s not a dancer. Not at all. It’s actually one of the few things he’s not good at. Who am I kidding? Neither am I. Yet, in spite of our lack of ability, we got caught up in the moment and we couldn’t help but join in on the revelry. Those newlyweds and their charm clearly cast a spell on both of us. I’m not complaining, though. I had a marvelous time.
“What are you thinking about over there?” he asks casually.
With my gaze still trained out the window I reply, “Just remembering. I had fun. Did you?”
“Surprisingly, yeah.”
His response makes my smile turn into a grin. Weddings aren’t his thing, either. Although, I think it has more to do with his lack of enthusiasm for suits than anything else. Even still, he got dressed up and accompanied me without any grumble. I think that makes me pretty lucky. I’m sure there are plenty of girls whose boyfriends wouldn’t be so accommodating; and yet, even without the title, he’s that good to me.
“Thank you. For coming.”
“You’re welcome.”



The Promises We Keep

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R.C. Martin finds it a bit awkward referring to herself in the third person, so she's only going to do it for this one sentence. (We all know who's writing this bio anyway!)
I'm a born and bred Coloradan. I will always claim that square state as my home! While I now reside in Virginia, the land of the Rocky Mountains is where I've left a piece of my heart and where my characters come to life. I'm a woman in love with love and filled to the brim with compassion for women like me, on a journey to find themselves in today's society. I aspire to inspire my readers to do more than settle. I hope that my writing will remind everyone that she (or he!) is valuable and worthy of the best kind of love--the kind that is gentle, patient, faithful, passionate, all consuming, never ending, and leaves you breathless.
When I'm not writing I'm reading; when I'm not reading I'm know how it goes! I also enjoy cooking, baking, crocheting, and jigsaw puzzles. Basically, I'm an old soul with a young heart, nonchalantly waiting for my prince to come.


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