I thought I knew what was important, but one phone call sent my life into a tailspin.
Alone and afraid, I cling to the one man I shouldn’t.
I was warned about him and told to stay away. “He’s dangerous,” they said.
But the man who could hurt me the most, gave me the greatest comfort.
"He's not who they think," I told myself.
But just like an illusion, things are never what they seem.
okay....ummm....first of all, yepp, I told Chelle 'f*@k you!' on facebook when I first started this book....hahahahaha seriously!, the reason?? not even 15% into the book and all I had done was cry...I am talking balling like a damn baby....do you know how hard it is to read and cry and read and cry and OMG!!! BUT...and I mean a BIG BIG BUT!!! This story is beyond words...I can't even begin to describe the amazing beauty and strength of the characters and the love that is there between friends. And Bruno...yeah, totally the most amazing book boyfriend EVER in the history of Chelle's books. I thought some of the Ink'd boys were some of the best, but NOPE!! well not really NOPE but Bruno certainly gives them a run for their money in the best book boyfriend department.
The story is one that many will relate to in one way or another...from the life changing moments to the despair and fear to the absolute joy, you will need to keep your box of tissues on hand, be it tears of sadness/sorrow to tears of joy/happiness, Chelle will rip your heart open and heal it by the end of the book. Her words cause you to feel everything in such an honest and raw way that you can't help but get lost and totally absorbed into the story. I never wanted to put it down, and by the end I was so glad I didn't...it caused so many emotions and touched my heart to read this story. The strength of the characters, even at their weakest moments, was something to behold. The friendship and love they shared was without measure and completely raw and real.
There is no way to truly tell you how good this book is other than to say, if you miss this book - shame on you! But certainly don't take my words for it...discover for yourself the magic of this word-weaver as she takes you on an incredible story that will stay with you long after you finish reading it.
#mustread #oneclick #personalfavorite #nevergiveup #fightlikeagirl #nothingisasitseems
Available at the following retailers
Embrace the Darkness...
Becca, my best friend, snaps her fingers in my face. “Cal, are you listening to me?”
I smile and nod, but her words are distant. I’ve looked at my phone at least fifty times today. I’m on pins and needles waiting for an important phone call. One that could change my life, and I haven’t told a soul about it—not even Becca. Telling people makes it real, and I’m not ready to face the possibility I could have more important things to deal with than which pair of shoes to wear with my favorite Donna Karan dress.
“So what do you think?” Becca asks.
I blink a few times and pretend I heard her question. “You should do it.”
“Okay,” she says and hops off the stool.
I grab her hand, holding her next to me so I can find out exactly what I told her to do. “Where are you going?”
“I asked if I should try to fuck ‘The Butcher.’”
My mouth drops open and my eyes grow as wide as saucers. “Becca!” I yell and wrap my fingers around her hand. “Sit your ass down.” I glance over my shoulder, following her eyes to where he sits.
“He’s always looking over here, ogling you. I thought maybe he’d take the next best thing.”
I gawk at her, completely in shock. “You can’t be fucking serious.”
Slowly, she walks backward toward her seat. “I’m just kidding, asshole. You acted like you were listening, but you didn’t hear a damn thing. I just thought I’d fuck with you.”
“I’m sorry.” The guilt of ignoring her eats at me, and even though I want to tell her what’s going on, I don’t dare. “And for your information, Bruno isn’t ogling me.”
She fiddles with her cosmopolitan. “I think you should get your eyes checked next time you’re at the doctor, Cal. He’s always watching you. It’s sexy, but it also creeps me the fuck out. He’s so dangerous.”
I laugh, playing it off, but I’ve noticed it too. “Is he looking over here now?” I ask, refusing to turn around to look for myself.
She leans forward, her eyes peering behind me. “He is. He’s not taking his eyes off us either.”
“He probably thinks we’re trouble or something,” I say and hope she drops the topic because I’d rather find out what she was going on about before.
“You can pretend like you don’t think he’s hot, Cal, but I’ve seen you flirt with him more than once.”
I shake my head and chuckle softly. “Smiling and saying hello isn’t necessarily flirting.”
“He has a thing for you.”
“He probably has a thing for every girl in this place.”
“Nope.” She shakes her head vigorously and puckers her lips. “He wants you.”